C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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The Microcom MNP Library
(Microsoft C Version)
Version 1.0
December 15, 1987
Microcom, Inc.
1400 Providence Highway
Norwood, MA 02062
The Microcom MNP Library and MNP are trademarks of Microcom, Inc.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.
This manual is not subject to copyright and may be freely copied.
Questions relating to the Microcom MNP Library should be directed to
Microcom at:
Microcom, Inc.
15303 Ventura Blvd., Suite 900
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Voice: (818)986-4212 Fax: (818)986-4214
The Microcom MNP Library is a set of subroutines which implement the
stream mode of the link protocol in Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP).
This mode of the MNP link protocol is appropriate for interworking with MNP
error-correcting modems or with other software implementations which use
the Microcom MNP Library or other compatible software.
This version of the library provides a set of C and assembly
language routines which are designed to be easily integrated into an
application program written in C and compiled using the Microsoft C
compiler (version 4.0). Through the use of these routines, an
application is able to perform error-free data communications over a
physical-connection, such as one established on the public switched
telephone network.
These MNP Library subroutines are especially for the IBM Personal
Computer family (and compatibles) under PCDOS (MS-DOS). Hardware
facilities for asynchronous communications are required.
The Microcom MNP LIbrary is supplied in one of two forms, object
library only and object library with source. The source version is de-
scribed in more detail in a file ('readme.doc') supplied as part of the
source version distribution.
In the case of the object library only form, the distribution diskette
contains one file, mnp.lib, which includes the various object modules
which make up the MNP Library.
When building the executable form of a particular application, the
mnp.lib file should be specified if the application calls any MNP sub-
routine described in this document. The manner in which library modules
are specified for inclusion varies according to the linkage editor
employed in building the application program run module.
In general, the MNP link follows the life of the normal physical-
connection. Immediately after the physical-connection is made (e.g. after
a modem first reports carrier detected), the application must attempt the
establishment of the Link via the MNPCONNECT subroutine. MNP-capable
modems which answer the incoming telephone call, for example, must receive
the Link establishment sequence within 4 seconds of physical-connection
establishment. If a link is not attempted within this period, such modems
may fall back to a normal connection and it will not be possible to provide
a reliable connection on that particular call.
Link termination, performed via the MNPDISCONNECT call, should
immediately precede termination of the physical-connection, i.e. right
before hanging up the telephone. Note that the Link is active for the
entire duration of the physical-connection.
During the data phase of the Link (i.e. after establishment but before
termination), the Link must be kept running by allowing the Link code to
execute periodically. Any of the data phase calls, namely MNPSEND,
MNPRECEIVE, MNPSTATUS, and MNPBREAK, will accomplish this. One of these
routines must be called every 250ms or so which means that the Link code
gets a chance to run about 4 times per second. The absolute interval is
not critical and it may be possible to reduce the frequency as well and
still get reasonable performance. Polling the Link code, however, must
occur with a predictable frequency otherwise the Link may be lost. When
the Link is lost, an MNP error-correcting modem may clear the call.
When a Link is in progress, all line I/O is performed via the
appropriate MNP call rather than by using other C mechanisms. It
may be the case, however, that the com port opened elsewhere in the
application, must remain open.
Data sent and received on the Link will be "chunked" depending on the
number of bytes which happen to be sent in a single data message. The
maximum amount in a single message is 64 bytes. This "chunking" is not
noticeable to the sender but can be perceived by the data receiver.
Strings of data may be split over more than one data message and some
messages may have to be sent more than once when there is noise on the
connection. Retransmission can be seen by the application as an
interruption, possibly in the middle of some data string. The application
should be examined to see if there are any cases involving timing
dependencies which could be adversely effected by this kind of
irregularity in the data flow.
4.1 Link Establishment - MNPCONNECT
MNPCONNECT is used to establish a Link. It is called after the
physical-connection has been established. It can take up to 5 seconds
for an MNPCONNECT call to complete.
MNPCONNECT has the following parameters:
RATE - an integer which indicates the speed of the
physical-connection, as follows:
1 = 110 bps
2 = 300 bps
4 = 1200 bps
5 = 2400 bps
[Note: Other speeds are not supported in this
version of the Microcom MNP Library.]
FORMAT - an integer which indicates the data format,
as follows:
0 = 8 data bits, no parity
1 = 7 data bits, even parity
2 = 7 data bits, odd parity
3 = 7 data bits, mark parity
4 = 7 data bits, space parity
[Note: In this Library version, once the Link
is established, it is not possible to change
PORT - an integer which indicates the communications
port, as follows:
1 = COM1
2 = COM2
[Note: This Library version does not support
other comm ports. Also, COM2 cannot be speci-